“Christian formation is the lifelong process of growing in relationship with God, self, others, and all creation. In this process, we are transformed into the people God wants us to be.” ~ The Episcopal Church Office for Formation Ministries
Ongoing growth is vital to our life in faith, and we offer a variety of ways to engage in this important work. Our regular in-person adult formation class, the Adult Forum, meets before church on Sunday mornings in the Parish Hall. All are welcome. Our topics vary widely, largely based on the interests of those who attend.
In addition to Adult Forum, we offer seasonal resources for the whole parish, partner with local parishes for short courses, and are hoping to resume our occasional film and discussion series.
We are launching a new Bible Study class that will meet on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month from 1:30 to 2:30pm. Meetings will be hybrid: online over Zoom and (usually) onsite at the Parish Hall.
We are planning to convene a Sacred Ground circle meeting on Zoom on the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 6:30pm starting March 19. You can sign up here.
We do not have an active children’s Sunday School at the moment, but we would be happy to form one or discuss ways to help the children in your life grow in their faith. Contact Rev. Catharine.
If you are interested in Confirmation or Reception in the Episcopal Church, please contact Rev. Catharine.
Adult Forum
Adult Forum is a time to explore our faith through the study of scripture and history (and the consumption of coffee) at 9:15 Sunday morning in the Parish Hall. All are welcome.
We vary our offerings depending on participants’ interests: book discussions, video lecture series, single-topic presentations, Bible studies. At times we have supplemented our gatherings with mid-week Zoom sessions, some of them joint with other local parishes.
This week we will be discussing Chapters 6 through 9 of Genesis. If you are keeping up with the reading schedule, you will be to Chapter 31. We will save a little time to talk about the background chapters.
This week we will be discussing Chapter 4 of Genesis, the story of Cain and Abel. If you are reading at the official Good Book Club pace, you will be to Chapter 22 by this Sunday, but we are going at a slower pace. Our pace is starting to accelerate, though; see this schedule of our readings.
In our study of Genesis, we’re going to be discussing Genesis Chapter 3. You may want to read this article by Susan Greiner, called, “Did Eve fall, or was she pushed?” Also, a sample of The Good Book Club’s suggested text, A Journey Through Genesis is available here, and includes a reflection on the Fall.