Adult Forum is a time to explore our faith through the study of scripture and history (and the consumption of coffee) at 9:15 Sunday morning in the Parish Hall. All are welcome.
We vary our offerings depending on participants’ interests: book discussions, video lecture series, single-topic presentations, Bible studies. At times we have supplemented our gatherings with mid-week Zoom sessions, some of them joint with other local parishes.
On January 19, the we will launch into the final three lectures in the ‘Great Christians’ series. The first one is on Martin Luther King, Jr., and the notes are available here.
The current hopper of potential topics to cover when this lecture series is over includes: Heresies, theological differences, and denominational distinctions; the origin of evil (reprise of a previous video lecture series); history of church music (video lecture series); practices of prayer and spirituality; reparations; connecting faith and ‘mundane’ life.
There will be no Adult Forum on December 29. On January 5 we will gather to talk a little bit about the feast of the Epiphany and to discuss our options for our next study series. Then on January 12 we will launch into the final three lectures in the ‘Great Christians’ series.
For Advent this year Adult Forum will be reading and discussing Stephen Cottrell’s Walking Backwards to Christmas. Each chapter is a first-person account of the Christmas story from the point of view of a different Biblical or traditional character. The HomeGroups website offers each chapter separately as a free pdf. The book itself is also available for sale on line. The introduction (not available at the HomeGroups site) is available here.
Proposed reading schedule:
- Sunday, December 1st: Introduction and Chapters 1, 2, &3
- Sunday, December 8th: Chapters 4, 5, & 6
- Sunday, December 15th: Chapters 7, 8, & 9
- Sunday, December 22nd: Chapters 10 & 11